How to deal with FOMO in NYC

So much to do, so little time…but should FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) prevent us from unlocking all the awesome yet terrible things NYC has to offer? Absolutely not. So, get off you’re a$$es and let’s deal with this disorder together.


Ok, so until I moved to New York City, I never suffered from FOMO. This place has something going on literally every minute of every second of every day, and I, like many other New Yorkers, can’t help but feel like I’m missing out when I find myself staying home on the weekends, watching Netflix, and catching a severe case of cabin fever.


Before we go into coping mechanisms, we must first realize that #FOMO is an unwinnable game, even for the very people that are eliciting our jealousy through Instagram. Those hotshot Insta kings & queens that seem to be doing the most fashionable, enviable and stylish things are the very individuals with the most hyperactive case of FOMO. Do you know how much work it must take to be one of those people? All the effort that goes into making one’s life look and seem absolutely perfect?


With that being said, it’s very possible to curb these distractions. I’m not sure if the fear of missing out is something we’re born with, develop over time or is directly related to our use of social media. One thing is for sure though: social media makes that FOMO trait surface with every sininstagram-likesgle refresh of our Instagram feeds. Between the number of likes on Facebook and hearts on Instagram, we have become virtually obsessed with gaining public approval of everyone on the web. It’s as if we achieve some type of social media high from witnessing the number of likes increase or feel mildly depressed when something we post doesn’t meet our minimum like requirements. WHO HAVE WE BECOME?

It’s time to live in the moment and make it harder for those distractions to get to us. A 30 day social media diet perhaps? It’s up to you…


If a social media cleanse isn’t an option, just plan ahead, be adventurous and GET OUT of that tiny shoebox of yours. You never have to be stuck in your one-room apartment unless you choose to. So when FOMO strikes, create an NYC bucket list, take a walk in Central Park, EatWith strangers, go for a jog on the west side, meet up with a friend for brunch/lunch/drinks, window shop, see a last-minute Broadway show, join a MeetUp, visit a cheap day spa, and seek out some local festivals/street fairs. You got this.


Remember, tomorrow is another day in the Big Apple, and most of those star-studded, most-go events and only-in-New York attractions you missed out on will still be there tomorrow, replaced by something even more desirable. However, New York will always be New York. Remember how lucky you are to be here and take advantage of that sh*t!


Xo, Broke & Bothered.